Major Milestone Reached in Cleanup of Onondaga Lake as Primary Source of Contaminated Groundwater Cut Off
120 Central New Yorkers Worked on the Underground Barrier Wall That Helps Prepare for Lake Dredging in 2012
120 Central New Yorkers Worked on the Underground Barrier Wall That Helps Prepare for Lake Dredging in 2012
Local Companies Supply and Transport Materials; Safety and Sustainability Key Elements of Pipeline Design and Operation
Preparations Underway for Upcoming Activities; Health and Safety Plan Released by State Environmental Authorities
Once Complete Primary Source of Groundwater Contamination Will No Longer Reach Onondaga Lake
State Environmental Authorities Release Updated Design on Key Elements of Cleanup Plan
State Environmental Authorities Release Community Health and Safety Plan for Initial Construction Activities Comprehensive efforts to protect the public’s health and safety are an integral part of the work to restore Onondaga Lake. Health and safety plans are reviewed by …
Diverse and Sustainable Habitat Enhancements at Forefront of Capping and Dredging Plans
Beginning the week of May 23, and over the next few weeks, approximately 250 steel panels for the third phase of the underground barrier wall will be delivered to Honeywell property just north of the I-690 bridge over the railroad …
SUNY-ESF Assists with Planting Native Grasses, Shrubs, Flowers and Trees on Excavated Material
To ask a question or comment, please click on "Contact Us"
or call 315.552.9784.
The Onondaga Lake Visitors Center was designed and built by Honeywell to provide the public with access to the cleanup.