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Onondaga County Executive Opens New Deep Water Fishing Pier at Onondaga Lake

Onondaga County Executive Opens New Deep Water Fishing Pier at Onondaga Lake

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Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps

To learn more about the Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps or participate in future activities, please contact Chris Lajewski at or call 315-365-3588.

News Archives: Onondaga Lake

Cleanup Achieved Through Green Practices

Green practices such as the use of biofuels, recycled materials, and other sustainable solutions are key elements of Honeywell’s Onondaga Lake remediation strategy. B20 biodiesel fuel will replace about two million gallons of standard diesel fuel. Green electric booster pumps …

As Preparations for Lake Dredging Continue, Archaeological Experts Work with Honeywell Under Federal and State Oversight to Determine Plans for Onondaga Lake Underwater Archaeological Objects

In preparation for Onondaga Lake dredging and capping, archaeologists from the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum completed a thorough investigation to determine the existence and significance of underwater objects that may be affected by cleanup activities. The study was done in …